The Impact of AI on Customer Experience

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One of the companies most valuable assets are its customers. Keeping the customer happy and satisfied requires a lot of time and effort. AI might reduce this time and effort spent on improving customer experience, like with the development of its Customer Support Automation solution.

The exponentially growing amount of data in contemporary society is an opportunity for AI and Machine Learning to enhance customer happiness in different ways. They can use that data to increase productivity and reduce time spent on activities that involve small, but important interactions with the customer. Therefore, the company can focus on other aspects that require more meaningful interactions with its customers. All these channels of communication will remain personal and comfortable for users.

Content made for you

AI can please customers even more by providing content tailored made to the customer’s preferences. Based on your past search history, companies can now deploy AI systems that are able to present recommendations to clients. This is how Netflix, Youtube, Spotify, Amazon and such automatically recommend movies, videos, music or products to their client base. Hence, clients do not need to spend hours of research to find the product that he or she likes.

On top of the personalized recommendations, personalized content can be created by AI. The AI analyzes customer data and based on that, it learns about the customer and its profile. This way, it can send personalized messages to customers allowing for a more personal and direct approach of messaging.

What can I do for you?

Chatbots and virtual assistants can remarkably support customer service employees by taking over common tasks and questions. This leads to a quicker response to customers with a relatively easy question and a reduction in the workload of the employees. It might surprise people how many of these customer relationships are already managed without human interaction. According to the article, we will be close to hitting 90% of such customer relationships. One of the more common examples is when you enter a website of a company and suddenly a chat window pops up. This will likely be a chatbot but since it solves the question of the customer, you immediately create a positive experience. In fact, they empower self-service. Consequently, there will be more time for the employees to focus on harder and delicate customer problems.

Happiness for everyone

It is an impossible task for customer service employees to always remain calm and friendly. In rare cases, they lose their patience leading to a bad encounter with the client. This is a worst-case scenario for companies as this bad encounter will likely mean the loss of a client. AI does not have this problem, nevertheless, it is gifted with learning emotional intelligence giving them the necessary skills to communicate in a personal way with clients.

Listening to you

In recent years, systems like Alexa or Google Home have emerged as loyal personal home assistants. Nowadays, companies use certain AI assistants to improve customer experience. Customers use these systems to order products or schedule money transfers allowed by respectively stores and banks.

Always there for you

People need sleep, AI does not. Employees only work a certain amount per day, but AI is not restricted by the biological and physical limits of humans: they operate all the time. The continuous operating mechanism of AI allows customers to ask questions 24/7 and thus offers advantages in both directions: customers are happy because they can immediately reach out to the company and the company does not have to assign any employees to work more hours in order to provide this service. As AI becomes more advanced each day, the use of certain activities will certainly rise.


In the pursuance of achieving an improved customer experience with AI, loads of customer data is necessary which leads to discussions concerning the protection and privacy of customer information. Customers expect companies to be transparent about the way they collect, store, analyze, use and protect their precious data.

Problem with previous discussed examples where AI improves customer experience, is the fact that these are all best-case scenarios. Bad AI, for instance, might make the company worse off than if it would handle the customer service entirely by its employees. An AI system that fails to respond to the customer needs as they expect, will result in a customer that does not feel itself known and valued by the company. It is thus crucial to deploy AI in customer service after a sufficient amount of tests have been performed confirming its trustworthiness.

Sagacify can improve your customer experience

Sagacify developed similar AI services that improve customer happiness. By automating the treatment of incoming emails, generating personalized answers, extracting meaningful data from text, image or voice… the customer service team can act faster, more efficiently and invest more time on excellent interactions with the client. If your company is working on a better customer service, then reach out to Sagacify.

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