The added value of AI and Sagacify proudly featured in Fokus Online Magazine.

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We’re proud since we were featured in a Belgian online magazine last week, showcasing what we do at Sagacify, but also highlighting the added value artificial intelligence (AI) can bring to our clients. Many thanks to Xavier de Launois, Chief Risk Officer at DAS, for the kind words about the project we did together..

(since the original article is in French, we put the English translation below)

Artificial Intelligence: A Revolutionary Tool Accessible to All Companies!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is very popular lately ... Everyone is talking about it, but not many people really know about the added value the technology can bring within businesses. In this article, Kevin Françoisse, founder of Sagacify, will tell us more about these opportunities. Sagacify is a company specializing in artificial intelligence and helps companies that want to discover the benefits of this amazing new technology.

How does Sagacify help companies?

"With our customers, we act as a partner in their transition to artificial intelligence, from the evaluation of their data maturity to the deployment in production of these systems. This way, we help our customers prepare for the future by optimizing their processes and evolving their business models.

This technology makes it possible to create self-learning systems (also called "machine learning"), capable of learning to automatically perform a series of repetitive tasks or tasks that require too much information processing for humans to handle. These systems work in a similar way as a human brain, which must first learn a task based on examples before becoming autonomous. For businesses, these "examples" represent all the data they have, but they do not necessarily benefit from. Today everything can be automated, from automatic document processing to optimizing an industrial process to detecting anomalies or fraud. This allows our customers to be more efficient, increase quality and to offer a better service to their customers. "


Do people understand the benefits of artificial intelligence now better than a few years ago?

"Clearly! But in this respect, Europe and Belgium are still lagging behind. But there’s good news for the future. In April this year, the European institutions announced the release of 1.5 billion euros in artificial intelligence, completing a both public and private investment of 20 billion euros by 2020. This will definitely help Europe to catch up with China and the US in AI investments. In addition, we've been around for five years, and it's really over the past two years that we've seen a significant awareness of artificial intelligence capabilities and an increased demand for AI solutions in all industries."

What are these industries?

"Any industry can benefit! Indeed, artificial apprenticeship mechanisms feed on data, regardless of their type or sectoral source. This allows us to offer the benefits of these methods more broadly. Of course, we work closely with our customers to ensure a maximum business knowledge transfer. "

Can you give us an example?

"Fraud detection for example. It is often a question of finding a needle in a haystack. Algorithms will be able to analyze large volumes of data to detect anomalies, and humans will be able to focus their analysis efforts on the few suspect cases detected by them. This kind of man-machine collaboration will save a lot of time and effort, all while improving the quality of services. Another case is the automatic processing of documents. Thanks to the recent techniques called "Deep Learning", we’re now able to equip our algorithms with an ability to interpret the language extremely well. This allows us to automate document processing by increasing both efficiency and quality compared to a human treatment. In radiology for example, thanks to the interaction between artificial intelligence and image, machines can analyze the easy cases. This allows the doctor, who will have more time, to make a diagnosis more nuanced on more complex cases. This will improve the quality of services and health care! "

DAS, the insurer can be counted as one of Sagacify’s satisfied clients. Xavier de Launois, Chief Risk Officer at DAS, explains how and why they appealed to Sagacify's sagacity!

Concretely, in which parts of your activities has artificial intelligence shown added value, and in what way?

"At first, artificial intelligence helps us particularly in the activities that represent an administrative and repetitive burden for the staff. The main area that is currently supported by artificial intelligence is the sorting of incoming mail and e-mails, both within the policy management department and the claims management. By automating the processing of incoming information, multiple processes can then be improved and the response time to the broker, our partner, drastically reduced. Our goal is to allow the entire company to focus on its core business. And, in particular, on the product development that best fits the expectations of our consumers, and on the quality of the legal service provided to our customers. As a leader in the legal protection market, we must constantly innovate and challenge ourselves to strengthen our position. Artificial intelligence is a vital tool for accomplishing this strategy. "


Can we quantify these improvements in one way or another?

"The introduction of artificial intelligence into processes requiring significant and repetitive administrative work aims to reduce this workload by at least 50% and, ideally, to achieve a 75% to 90% reduction. We can easily measure and monitor the performance of artificial intelligence thanks to the tools developed by Sagacify that follow, in real time, the results of the model in terms of the number of tasks automatically processed, but also the error rate reported by employees. In addition, we also evaluate the impact on the workload of employees by regularly measuring the response time to requests from brokers or clients: within the police management department, artificial intelligence and the automation of certain processes can guarantee a processing time of one to two days in case of emergency and up to five days in all other cases.

What types of tasks have you been able to affect people freed from repetitive tasks, now ensured by artificial intelligence?

"Thanks to the time released by artificial intelligence, we have been able to generate enough resources to set up a "chat" allowing the broker to obtain a quick response, on average between 5 and 10 minutes, when establishing an offer for a customer. "